For society, shareholders & planet to create resilient profitability in the long term through short term action.

Circular Handshake for Commerce


We are excited to announce the circular handshake, a collaborative initiative aimed at promoting sustainable business practices, primarily  focused on companies manufacturing and selling products, which was born as a result of last year's event.

Our host Martin Wettergren and Elin Bergman established the circular handshake, a concept that involves inviting key business leaders to collaborate on developing and launching a handshake for making significant steps towards circular business models.

Why endorse the handshake?

The answer lies in its potential to catalyze positive transformations for society, shareholders, and the planet. For shareholders, it presents an unparalleled opportunity to augment stakeholder value. Unlike linear business models, which typically yield a modest return on sales equity, embracing circular frameworks can amplify this value manifold, ranging from 3 to 10 times. By adopting such models, businesses can fortify their profitability over the long term through decisive short-term actions.

In the societal realm, the handshake becomes a vehicle for driving policy influence and sector-wide change. Its advocacy for circular business paradigms raises awareness about their inherent benefits, igniting momentum towards a more sustainable economic landscape, and for the planet, the handshake embodies a commitment to responsible resource stewardship. By prioritizing longevity and recyclability in product design, businesses can minimize environmental harm and pave the way for a regenerative future.


(1) Reduce - Shift to using less materials, renewable, recycled, or highly recyclable material used in the manufacturing of products. Change to circular and regenerative business models such as selling products to selling services.
(2) Redesign - To be able to use products more and longer. Made for higher quality and modularity.
(3) Repair and upgrade - enable repair and refurbishment by adding it to the product service and design for repairability
(4) Reuse - find new users for your products, again and again, trough sharing models or PaaS
(5) Recycle - Circulate products, components and materials. Initiate take back systems and second hand markets within the business. Return safely to nature. Regenerative business models do not do less bad but more good to regenerate nature.

Short term goals:

♺ The signatories have made concrete actions for the 5 above points in their business models.
♺ 1 of 5 products/services redesigned to be circular.


♺ The signatories have implemented the 5 above actions in their business models.
♺ Waste reduction - 30%
♺ Virgin materials - 30%
♺ Recycled materials +30%


Long term goal:

♺ Net zero carbon footprint and emissions by 2035.

Currently:1.3 Billion EUR

…In total annual revenue from companies that signed the Circular Handshake

Selected signees

  • Johan Munck

    CEO Polarn & Pyret

  • Martin Willers

    CEO Transparent

  • Stefan Nilsson

    Head Sustainability Foxway

  • Hanna Lindblad

    Founder Houdini

  • Elin Bergman

    Circular Impact Officer/Vice chair at Cradlenet

  • Martin Wettergren

    Founder Soultech

  • David Knutsson

    Founder Parently

  • Kristin Hars

    CEO & Founder Sisterly Tribe